The final step into the multiworld.
Reminders and requirements
As I said in the last entry, I have been working to add Hades to Archipelago multi-world randomizer. If you read said entry, now you should know what those words mean more or less. In this entry, I will write how you could add your favourite game to this same system. Following the last entry you will know we need to work on 4 elements; Server, Generation, Client and the Game itself. I will explain how to work on each of these elements from a high-level point of view. For low level, I redirect you to the Archipelago documentation .
A remidner of the multiworld server
The server, as explained before, is responsible for sending and receiving information related to locations and items between players. It also stores information related to how the items are randomized. It will store the locations that players have notified as visited and the items already obtained. It can also store information by request, so you could potentially ask the server to store some information (such as keeping track of some items that allow the game to be considered finished, or something along those lines).
If you are implementing a game into Archipelago (from now on AP for short), you will not program anything related to the server. Rather, you will implement methods that communicate with it on the Client (more information below).
How to generate the information for your game
To generate the information for the server, we need to supply information about your generation to the generator that Archipelago uses. Normally this is done in the .apworld file, which is just a renamed .zip file that contains a bunch of different Python files. Which files are there and the structure of each one will vary between different games, depending on the needs of each one. But normally, they all have a,,,, and files. is the file that is triggered when a multiworld containing this game is generated and is normally just responsible for calling methods from the other files to generate the information of its particular game.
The file is responsible for codifying all the items of the game as a number. It needs to be a number because the server stores each item not as a string (so not by its name), but rather as an integer number. Note each item in ALL the multi-world games should be different to ensure compatibility because each one is stored on the server when the games are played (Note: there is a series of technical limitations that make this the standard, but it is outside the scope of these notes. Investigate in Google if you want!). The file does the same as but with locations. Each location is then encoded as an integer, so it can be stored in the server.
Note at this point items and locations are only a set of integers, without any logic or “real information” or your game attached to them. To add more information to the location we get the file. This file will aggregate locations to represent “places” in your game. For example, looking back at the last entry, the game MonPoke has a region the first town, which has 3 locations. The file will enforce certain logical contains between items, locations and regions that are respected. For example, using MonPoke, will enforce that the location behind the tree can only be accessed after Cut is obtained.
As an example, an implementation of the game MonPoke, an implementation for the first town would look something like this (simplifying some details and imports):
there are a couple of methods I didn’t explain, but I hope their names are explicit enough for you to deduce what they do. I hope my comments also help to bridge some details that are missing there.
Before moving to the next section, I must talk about the forgotten file This one will contain all the options you might want to tweak for your game. It is normally quite specific and something you will normally start thinking about after gaining a bit more understanding about how the multi-world randomizer works, so I redirect to the documentation in case you want to know more.
Communicating the game and the server; the client
Now the glue that communicates your game with the server; the Client. As I already said before, the idea of the Client is that it serves as a bridge between the server and the game, sending information between each other.
First, you might ask yourselves in which language you will code the client … and well, it depends. It depends on what your game modding scene looks like and what tools it can give you. The Client needs to receive and send information from the game, which means you need to be able to add some code that makes those two talk.
In the case of Unity games, normally you can inject mods using Bepinex. Using that you can already instal a client template for C# games (the .NET client available here ). That is the best-case scenario; in which you can easily inject an existing client template without complications. Some other cases will be a bit more involved. In the case of Hades, I couldn’t inject a Client directly in the game, due to the version of the Lua language of the game not accepting ejernal library injections. The community found a way around using StyxScribe, which in lose terms, allows the the game to communicate with external Python programs. From there I could communicate the game with the Python client template. Again, what works for you is going to be specific to the game you are working on, so I push you to talk to the game modding scene and see what is available to you.
Once you get your Client working and communicating with your games, you might ask; how do I communicate this with the server? Well, you normally send packages. This is not different from sending strings in a certain format to the server. For example, to unlock a location, you use something like this (on a Python Client).
You can also request information from the server. The server allows certain tags to request information. For example, if you want to request the items that are in a certain location (to show them displayed in a store, for example), you could do something like this:
If you want more detail I refer to the network API documentation .
Moding the game so it talks to the client
Once you get the client working, you will need the messages from the Client to the game do something. That is, you will need to mod the game so you execute code to unlock items, or change the effect of checking a location.
Note that, here, you need to be realistic about what you can do. If the modding scene of your game does not exist, then it is more likely there is a reason for this. It might be that the game uses a custom engine, so it is impossible to inject code into it (at least for now!). I urge you to do your research on this one.
Once you get a really simple mod working in your game (an equivalent to “hello world”) you will need to do some code that allows intercepting location checks and sending this to the server. For example, in Hades, I do the following to change the behaviour of unlocking a Keepsake check:
With that, we can avoid giving a keepsake, and give a request to the server. In the case we receive an item from the server we need to unlock the item in the game. In Hades, I do something like this to unlock a Keepsake when it is obtained as an item from the server:
Again, what this code looks for you will depend on how your game works. I hope at least this gives you an idea of what you should think about doing.
Some personal advice
As a closing remark, I will give you some personal advice. Doing a mod like this is game development, meaning it is hard, long and sometimes really stressful work. But it can also be really fun and rewarding. The next points are just intended to get more of the latter and less of the former.
First, in terms of software architecture, try to research a bit about good software architecture if you haven’t. Your mod doesn’t need to be perfect in this regard, but it will help to keep different systems on different files, and avoid mixing your Client and Game systems too much. That way, when a bug occurs, it will be much easier to debug and will imply rewriting less of your systems.
Having collaborators and help from the community can do wonders for your progress. I have the help of Bo, who has researched the Hades base codebase much faster than I have, which has helped me write code for the mod much faster. He even did some parts of the mod himself. I also had the help of Silviris, who rewrote some code of the .apworld to get it to a much better format and order. Without people like this helping, I wouldn’t have made the progress I have done today.
Test your mod. And not when it is finished, test it constantly. Doing all the hardcore without getting any feedback can be incredibly depressing. Having people give feedback and participate in the construction of the mod turns it into a much better experience. They can also be an incredibly good bug testing unit. Just make sure to give them tools to report bugs to you (like a way for them to send you bug logs).
Finally, good luck! Doing this can be an incredibly good learning experience. Enjoy it :)