Game-Jam games: why not all of them are good!

Pixel art book

And that is okay!

If you have clicked on the Projects tab on this site and scrolled down you may have seen my game-jam games. If you click on the link you might have played them. And after that, you might have thought . . .

Oh, these games are not great.

And I agree! I think they are fun for a minute or two, but those are not great games. However, I am proud of them because of the context I made them. I also think they are successful games.

While learning how to make games I entered tons (maybe 10?) game jams, being able to finish 3 of them. The ones I did not finish were due to life getting busy during the jam’s time. For the other ones, I developed the games in two days, (mostly) on my own. Also, I was no expert. I was learning how to deal with bugs, how to set up the system I wanted, how to deal with sprites not being what I wanted and so on. So of course they are not great, I was a newbie just trying to get things done. To be able to do great games one first needs to be able to just do games. While working on every one of them I learned something new, and that already makes them successful games; they fulfil their purpose.

So why share them if I do not think they are that great? Because I think it is good to be open about this:

NOT ALL GAMES ARE GOING TO BE GREAT Some of them are just done to try a new idea. To learn a new system. To see how an art style looks in motion. To try a new shader. And these games do not need to be anything more. And that is okay.